Our vision at Koobi is simple - be the trusted mechanism for individuals to lead change
Koobi prevents carbon emissions while protecting endangered wildlife - both fighting climate change and saving the wildest parts of the planet most at threat. Offset with our monthly subscription packages now!
We think differently, to help you make a REAL difference
Beating climate change requires smart thinking and even smarter solutions
Using cutting edge spatial analysis from leading scientists we have mapped the last wilderness areas on earth, identifying where our help is most needed. We then source, diligence and partner with carbon projects generating above average impact in these regions.
CA$ 24.42 / month
You already minimise your footprint by not flying much. You take public transport or walk and cycle when possible. You’re conscious of your diet and your energy usage around the house. This plan takes care of the rest.
CA$ 35.34 / month
If you live an average western lifestyle, take a handful of flights a year, drive a car an hour or more a week, and have some meat in your diet, then this is the right package for you.
CA$ 58.53 / month
The plan for those who travel regularly. If you’re living a normal western lifestyle but take more than two long haul flights a year, or drive for long periods of time each week (>3 hours) this plan will be perfect for you.
Not another inane “plant a tree” company with shady science and minimal impact
With Koobi, you’re not just planting a tree, you’re restoring an ecosystem in need and helping educate a community with long term thinking.
The only global carbon offsetting business 100% dedicated to wildlife conservation
Want to keep up to date with our latest projects and see how your support is helping protect endangered wildlife and their habitats? Sign up to our newsletter and we'll keep you in the loop.
We love travelling as a family but are really conscious of our carbon footprint. We’ve never seen anything like Koobi before, and are excited that we can offset our carbon while protecting the wild places we explore and visit! It was great chatting to James (one of the co-founders) directly, and digging much deeper into the science behind offsetting.

The Shaw Family
Koobi have made it so simple and engaging to do good for the environment. If you want to do your bit for the planet and fight climate change and extinction, then offsetting through Koobi is a must. So much more transparent and more impactful than other options.

Dr Kendall Jones
As a business owner, I can tell you that offsetting through Koobi has made meeting our corporate social responsibility targets so easy. Each project in Koobi’s portfolio contributes to at least ten sustainable development goals at once. I highly recommend Koobi for any socially and environmentally conscious businesses.